Complete Understanding Of SASSA Means Test
The South African Social Security Agency, also known as SASSA, employs a method known as a means test to analyze an individual’s financial status. This is done to ascertain whether they are eligible to receive a social grant.
In the process of conducting a means test, SASSA takes into account the individual’s earnings, possessions, and any monetary aid they might be receiving from relatives or other sources. The purpose of this test is to ensure that grants are allocated to those who are most in need.
It’s important to note that the income and asset limits for the means test can differ based on the specific type of grant.
Determining Eligibility For SASSA Means Test
Every type of grant has its own set of standards for the means test, which is used to assess financial eligibility. For instance, grants for old people, those with disabilities, and war veterans are all distributed on a graduated scale. This means that the more personal income you possess, the less grant money you will be eligible to receive.
For those who are married, their assets and income are combined with their spouse’s for calculation purposes. This applies regardless of whether they are married in or out of community property. For those who are single, their assets and income are considered independently.
In this discussion, I’ve covered the income and asset limits for each type of grant. This piece will also inform you about the amount SASSA disburses. Maximum income and asset limits that are valid from April 1, 2023 will be discussed. These numbers aren’t set in stone and usually get updated either on April 1 or October 1 every year. So, keep an eye out for those changes!
Income Threshold for All SASSA GrantsÂ
The income thresholds for SASSA grants vary and should not exceed the specified amount per month as mentioned below:
NO. | Types of Grants | Income Threshold for Per Month |
1. | Single person | R8 070 |
2. | Married couple | R16 140 |
3. | Child Support Grant | R5 000 for a single person R10 000 for a married applicant |
4. | Care Dependency Grant | R20 800 for a single person R41 600 for a married applicant |
5. | Foster Child Grant | Mean test is not required |
6. | SRD (Social Relief of Distress) Grant | R624 |
Asset Threshold for All SASSA Grants
The asset threshold for all SASSA grants are different and should not exceed the specified asset that are given below:
NO. | Types of Grants | Asset Threshold |
1. | Single person | R1 372 800 |
2. | Married couple | R2 745 600 |
However, individuals falling under the categories of Child Support Grant, Care Dependency Grant, Foster Child Grant, and SRD are not required to report the asset threshold for means testing because they are all need-based grants.
What is Considered an income in SASSA Means Test
There are different types of income sources that are considered in SASSA means test such as:
Earnings From Employment
It includes the income that you get from wages, salaries, bonuses, and commissions etc.
Social Grants & Pensions
It means any type of social grant or pension that you get from the government are considered as income.
Rental income
Rental income is the income that you get from renting your property or assets are also included in income calculations.Â
Investment Income
It is the type of income that you earn from investments, including interests, capital gains, and partnerships are considered as part of your income.
Alimony & Maintenance Payments
It includes the money that you get as alimony and maintenance from your ex-husband for child support are also included in income.
Compensation From Other Sources like UIF or COIDA
It means the payments that you get from other grant sources, such as Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF), Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Fund (COIDA), or Road Accident Fund (RAF) are also considered as income.
Compensation From Other Sources like UIF or COIDA
It means the payments that you get from other grant sources, such as Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF), Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Fund (COIDA), or Road Accident Fund (RAF) are also considered as income.
What Are Considered Assets
 Assets are defined as an individual`s possessions that contain economic value. Here are some examples of assets, such as
Assets can include money in your bank accounts and saving accounts. If you are married, the money in you and your spouse` bank accounts.
It means the property that you and your spouse possess, including land, homes, vehicles, equipment, and costly items such as jewelry and artwork will be considered as property.
It includes all sorts of investments that you and your spouse have, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Assets include goods or materials that are used for sale or production will be counted.
Retirement Accounts
If an individual got retired, his annuity will be counted as assets.
Outstanding Debt
It includes loans, bonds, and debt that you get are also considered as assets. Â
What Costs are Deducted when Calculating your revenue
There are certain types of costs that are deducted while calculating the net revenue or profit. It includes:
Income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and payroll taxes are deducted from revenue to find out the net profit.
UIF Payments
The Unemployment Insurance Fund provides financial support to those workers who become unemployed due to maternity leaves, illness or other certain conditions.Â
Medical Aid Expenses
It includes all the expenses that are used in healthcare services and can be deducted.
Contributions To a Retirement Plan
It includes the income that someone saves in a retirement saving account to provide income during retirement.
How Much Does a SASSA Grant Pay
Here are the payment details for each category of SASSA grant.
NO. | Types of Grants | Threshold Per Month |
1. | Older Persons Grant (under 75 years | R2 090 |
2. | Older Persons Grant(equal to or older than 75 years) | R2 110 |
3. | Disability Grant | R2 090 |
4. | War Veterans Grant | R2 110 |
5. | Foster Child Grant | R1 130 |
6. | Care Dependency Grant | R2 090 |
7. | Child Support Grant | R510 |
8. | Grant Aid | R510 |
9. | SRD Grant | R350 |
In conclusion, the SASSA means test is used by the South African Social Security Agency to ensure that social grants are allocated to those who need them most. By evaluating an individual’s income, assets, and other financial resources, the means test helps determine eligibility for various types of grants. It’s a key part of SASSA’s mission to provide financial assistance to the most vulnerable members of society. Remember, the thresholds for income and assets can change, so it’s important to stay updated.