SASSA War Veterans Grant [2024] _ Eligibility, Application & Benefits

SASSA War Veterans Grant, the incredible supportive system, provides assistance to disabled and old age veterans who proactively served South Africa in critical conflicts. If you are one of the brave veterans and incapable of fulfilling daily expenses, apply now for this grant. In this post I will discuss the qualifying criteria, application procedure, and the required document details. Additionally,the benefits that beneficiaries can receive from this grant will also be elaborated in detail.

SASSA War Veterans Grant Qualify Standard

SASSA specified some standards to qualify for its war veterans grant. You can receive this grant if you meet its mandatory requirements. However, before applying, you must comprehend what’s required to qualify. So, take a close overview of SASSA standards for war veteran grants.

Nationality and Residential of South Africa 

Particularly, this grant is for those who have the nationality of South Africa and permanent residents of this country. You should have the citizenship of South Africa.  

Age Limit and Disability Requirement 

This requirement is set to identify the needs of older war veterans who became disabled during their services. You must be 60 years old or above or should be disabled to get the grant.

Services of Military 

You must be part of the services such as World War II (1939-1945), the South African Border War( 1966- 1989), the Korean War (1950-53), or any dispute that has South African Defence Force involvement after 1961. If your services were part of any of these wars, you’re eligible for this grant.

 Dismissal from other Social Grants 

It’s a policy of SASSA to ensure those veterans who truly need financial assistance. If you’re a receiver of other social grants, you’re not qualified for this grant. To get a war veteran grant from SASSA, you must exclude yourself from other grants.  

Residing Unaided 

This grant is meant for veterans not living under the aid of state-funding institutions or rehabilitation centers. You should be living independently to obtain the grant. 

Annual Income

For individuals who are not married, the yearly earnings should not exceed R96 840, which is equivalent to R8 070 each month. On the other hand, for those who are married, the combined yearly earnings should remain below R193 680, or R16 140 per month.

Collective Assets

For individuals who are not in a marital relationship, the total worth of their possessions should not exceed R1 372 800. On the other hand, for those who are in a marital bond, the combined worth of their possessions should remain under the limit of R2 745 600.

Meet the Criteria of Means Test 

You and your spouse must meet the means test criteria to obtain the war veteran grant.  
It’s a great endeavor from the SASSA to provide grants to war veterans who cannot fulfil their daily necessities. Its qualifying standards ensure the benefits are given to eligible war veterans. You must fulfil certain SASSA criteria before applying for a war veterans grant. Additionally,  you’ll be pleased to know that from 1 April 2024, your grant price will increase to R 10 monthly.

Other SASSA Grants:

Means Test For SASSA War Veterans Grant

You’ll be able to receive the war veteran grant if you qualify for the means test. This test analyzes your and your spouse’s financial status, including your yearly income and worth of assets to ensure who deserves this grant. This evaluation method has 2 thresholds that every applicant needs to fulfill to become the beneficiary. It includes:

Income Threshold

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Assets Threshold

 For a single veteran, the worth of assets shouldn’t exceed R 1,370,800. For a married veteran, the value of assets mustn’t be higher than R 2,745,600.

How Much is SASSA War veterans Grant

The monetary assistance provided to war veterans is subject to annual adjustments. For the year 2018, it was set at R1 720 each month. As per the adjustment on October 1, 2023, each war veteran is entitled to a monthly grant of R2 110. It is anticipated that this amount will see a monthly increase of R10 per individual starting from April 1, 2024.

Application Process for SASSA War Veteran Grant

SASSA formulated a straightforward application grant process to praise your active war services. To understand this process is as simple as pie. You can easily apply for a grant with a few steps away. To qualify for this grant immediately, you must follow the instructions carefully.

Applying By Visiting the SASSA Official Office

  • Simply start by visiting the official office of SASSA.
  •  Then, get the application form the officer. There, the accommodating staff will assist you with filling out the form. It’s very important to fill in the information accurately in the form. Under the supervision of a sitting officer, you can easily fill out your form. 
  • In case of serious illness or disability, your friend or family member can apply the convenient alternative on your behalf. 
  • In this regard, that person will give the authorisation letter to the officer and elaborate on your reason for your inability to come. Despite your physical ailment, you can apply by utilizing the helpful likelihood. 
  • A brief interview is taken from you during the process. It allows you to discuss your active military services, the essential part of providing you better support after assessment. 
  • After completing the application, you’ll be provided a dated stamped receipt; it’s a pivotal document as proof of your application submission; keep it safe.

Applying Via Online

For the submission of an application through the online portal, navigate to the official website of SASSA. Next, you need to download the application form according to the grant you need, mentioned on the website. Next, fill out the form by correctly mentioning all the required details in every column.

Prerequisite Documents for SASSA War Veterans Grant

As eligibility proof, you need to submit the prerequisite documents while applying for a war veterans grant. Remember to take these documents whenever you visit the office of SASSA.

  • Bring the evidence of your war services, including the certificates of medals and services.
  • Your document ID ( 13-digit bar-coded identify of South African ), in case of haven’t this ID, you can bring a sworn assertion signed by the traditional leader, school principal, councillor, or social worker. In place of ID, submit your passport, birth certificate, or driver’s license. 
  • As proof of your disability, bring a medical report stating you cannot work.
  •  Proof of your current address. 
  • Your marital status evidence: marriage certificate, divorce order if you’re divorced, affidavit if you’re single. 
  • Evidence of all your income and assets. If married, bring your spouse’s proof. Proof of municipality property, private property, and bank statements of the last 3 months. 
  • If employed before, bring pay slips.
  •  If you’re unemployed, bring a discharge certificate or UF bluebook. 
  • If you’ve any investments, bring the dividends you receive along with proof of your income.

Processing Timeline for SASSA War Veteran Grant

Be patient after applying for a war veteran grant. South African Social Security Agency takes approximately 3 months to process your application after receiving it. In case of application approval, you’ll get the notification and start receiving the grant payment monthly. In case of application rejection by SASSA, you’ll be informed about the causes of rejection. You can appeal the judgement if you think it is unfair to you.

Check the application Status of the SASSA War Veteran Grant

If you’re wondering how to track my application, don’t worry; there are many ways you can utilise it to check your application status.

SASSA Website

 Using the official website of SASSA, a reliable source to track the status of your application.

 Moya App

 It’s the best option to check your grant application without any cost tension, the data-free convenient source.

Using SMS Updates

You just need to send an SMS to the number ” 082-046-8553″ simply, and updates regarding your application will be sent to you.

Using WhatsApp

To stay informed about grant, go for the easiest option by contacting the SASSA on What’s App by using the same number 082-046-8553

Utilizing Toll Free Number

If you need detailed information about your application, you can call the SASSA toll-free number (0800-601011) offering you details with assistance in case of specific queries regarding your grant.

SASSA War Veteran Grant Suspension Causes

It’s one of the important aspects you need to understand being an applicant for a war veteran grant. There could be various causes for your grant suspension.  Let’s overview the causes that lead to the suspension of your grant.

  • Circumstances Modification: Any significant modification in your financial circumstance, such as changes in your income and assets, can suspend your grant.
  • Fraudulent information:  It’s a profound offense if SASSA discovers any deceptiveness in your comments, such as false financial information. Your grant will be suspended if you’re engaged in such fraudulent activities. 
  • Collaboration Failure: If you show no collaboration with SASSA during reviews, don’t give proper information, or do not attend the meeting.  Periodically, SASSA conducts reviews and audits of the recipients of grants.

Your grant will be suspended if you don’t provide the exact information. If you fail to submit the prerequisite documents, this also leads to the suspension of your grant.

SASSA War Veteran Grant Lapse Conditions

There can be numerous conditions that can lead to the lapse of your grant. These scenarios include:

Death of the Beneficiary: If the grant recipient dies, the grant will lapse. 

State-Funded Institution Admission: You need to inform SASSA if you’re fully dependent on state-funded institutions. It will lead to your grant lapsing if you admit it.  

Long-Time Abroad Stay: If you left South Africa and stayed more than 90 days abroad without notifying SASSA, it can be the cause of your grant lapse. 

Grant Payment Not Received: If you don’t obtain your grant payment consecutively for 3 months without providing a valid cause to SASSA, your grant will be lapsed in such a situation.

The more you hide the information from SASSA, the less support you receive from the government. To avoid the termination of your grant, try not to do the above -mentioned things.

Obligations of SASSA War Veteran Grant Beneficiaries

You must execute certain obligations if you want to receive your grant without any hitches. These play a vital role in ensuring the system works effectively, and people can receive their grants without delay or interruption. Being an SASSA beneficiary, you should fulfill the obligations such as

  • Keeping reported SASSA of any modifications in your personal or financial circumstances, such as new address. 
  • Your honesty is the core factor of your efficient interaction with SASSA.  Shouldn’t try to mislead the SASSA by providing false or fraudulent information if you desire to continue your grant smoothly. 
  •  It’s your responsibility to provide the agency with accurate information so you can’t face serious consequences regarding your grant suspension.  
  • Timely update the SASSA if you left the country or home. 
  • Keep your grant card secure, and never share your PIN with anybody.

As an obliged grant holder, you must fulfill the above obligation to obtain your grant on time.

Benefits of SASSA War Veteran Grant

As moving with the complexities of modern life and old age, SASSA is a testament to its war veterans by providing grants as an immense gesture of gratitude and honor for their great courage. You can get tangible financial relief from SASSA and healthcare assistance as a reward for your services to South Africa. Let’s explore the benefits you can receive from the South African Security Agency.


Financial Aid

Due to war-inflicted conditions, you’re facing disability and unable to fulfill your daily expenses. No worries,  SASSA holds your responsibility by designing your every-monthly grant in a considerable way to assist you financially, enabling you to accomplish the necessities of life.


Housing Assistance

As a war veteran of South Africa,  you can qualify for housing aid from SASSA. It helps you in your house renovation or repair. Besides this, SASSA offers you the option of a low-cost house. 


Funeral Benefits

To their war veterans, SASSA takes responsibility for their funeral and provides all its expenses to the family of the deceased. 


Healthcare Aid

The South African Security Agency understands that war veterans are entitled to certain medical facilities. Beyond the economic aid, you are accessible to military hospitals to get specialised treatments. In the case of serious ailments, your care is prioritised by clinics.


Services of Rehabilitation Centers

You can easily access the counseling and rehabilitation centers in case of psychological and physical issues. To overcome your aftermath service-related concussions, several therapies you can access.


Overall, the SASSA war veteran grant is a remarkable aid system for those who served South Africa during historical disputes. It acknowledges the disabled war veterans’ needs and empowers them as a debt of what they give to the country in the name of peace by providing them assistance through grants. Comprehending the intricacies of qualifying criteria, application process, and required document details requires attention to the above mentioned information.
However, as a beneficiary of SASSA, your accommodation is required during its reviews, meetings, and audits. It’s obliged to provide accurate information to the agency. In case of any queries, you can contact them using multiple ways. Besides this, it provides vital assistance across critical situations and enables you to access various useful benefits.

Once you get a notification about your grant suspension, the first step you should take is to file for an appeal to restore your grant. It’s highly important to keep in mind the deadline for application for restoration that is within 90 days. So, Act promptly so as not to miss the chance of your suspension review. Once you file the appeal, the Ministry will start the examining process. It is solely based upon the Ministry whether to declare your suspension unjust or depends on incorrect information. The Ministry might overturn its suspension judgement. In this way, your grant can be restored.

Once your grant application is approved, You’re to receive your grant money according to the date you applied the first time. Don’t panic if the date is delayed because SASSA sets the payment date monthly. To stay informed, you need to overview the payment schedule from the official website of SASSA.

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